A Fluid-Solid Coupled Micromechanical Simulation of Piping Erosion During the Installation of a Suction Bucket for the Foundation of an Offshore Wind Turbine

Lisbon Congress Centre Praça das Indústrias 1, Lisboa, Portugal

If you’re not in the mini-symposium with Anna, make sure to come see Samuel Kemmler’s talk ‘A Fluid-Solid Coupled Micromechanical Simulation of Piping Erosion During the Installation of a Suction Bucket for the Foundation of an Offshore Wind Turbine’. It is part of the mini-symposium 020 – Advancements in Offshore Wind Structures , which will be held in Room 2.02.

‘Enabling mixed-precision with the help of tools: A Nekbone case study’ at PPAM24

Ostrava, Czechia Ostrava, Czech Republic

If you’re going to PPAM24 September 8 – 11 in Ostrava, Czechia, make sure to check out the talk by Yanxiang Chen from our partner UMU on their progress implementing and optimizing mixed precision in Nekbone toward its integration in Neko and NekRS. The accompanying paper is also available as a pre-print online: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.11065