Energy to Solution Best Practice Guide
Measuring energy to solution isn’t just more complicated than measuring time to solution, it’s also less familiar and less top of mind for most users. Hence, CEEC has published our experience and some best practices to help the EuropeanHPC community learn more about measuring energy to solution across systems and applications.
Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
Join our Anna Schwarz as one of the instructors for the reoccuring “Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics” course organized by HLRS, IAG (University of Stuttgart) and the Institute of Software Methods for Product Virtualisation (DLR).
CEEC at ECCOMAS 2024 CEEC will have a robust presence at the 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS24) this summer in Lisbon, Portugal! Over […]
Entropy stable subcell shock capturing scheme for high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods on moving meshes
If you’re not in the mini-symposium with Samual, make sure to see the talk ‘Entropy stable subcell shock capturing scheme for high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods on moving meshes’ presented by Anna Schwarz in room 1.14.
Introducing Anna Schwarz
I’m Anna Schwarz, a PhD student in the Numerics Research Group at the Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics (IAG) of the University of Stuttgart (USTUTT-IAG). I studied Aerospace Engineering […]
VPREC to analyze the precision appetites and numerical abnormalities of several proxy applications
The third in a series of presentations from Roman Iakymchuk on work using tools to investigate mixed precision possibilities. He and his co-author Pablo de Oliveira Castro introduce an approach to address the issue of sustainable computations with computer arithmetic tools. They use the variable precision backend (VPREC) to identify parts of code that can…