We’re constantly surrounded by moving gases and liquids, whether our blood flow or the air flow around airplane wings. Understanding the turbulent behavior of gases and liquids has direct societal impact. In fact, it will be key for enabling the transition to a carbon-free economy through optimizations like more fuel efficient airplanes and cargo ships or wind turbines that can be more easily and sustainably installed on the ocean floor.

With the advent of powerful computers and new and ever more efficient numerical algorithms, complex systems like these flows can be simulated with increasing realism, bypassing the time and expense of experimentation. However, codes are not yet ready to run on these systems. Additionally, even at exascale, realistic flow simulations would run prohibitively long without tailoring granularity and accuracy to specific cases. CEEC’s ambition is to enable the use of exascale computers for key computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications and demonstrate their capabilities through key light-house cases.

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A two-part image. The main portion shows a large grey aircraft with blue-green vorticies of turbulent air coming off the trailing edge of the wings. A smaller inset shows air pressure around the vertical profile of the wing. This is a gradient from high pressure in red to low pressure in blue. Above the wing is a large pocket of low pressure, while the highest pressure is at the leading-bottom and trailing-bottom parts of the wing. Behind the trailing edge of the wing, several round circles of low pressure can be seen - these are portions of the vorticies seen in the larger image.

The Project Partners

Hailing from five European countries, the 10 institutes and departments making up the CEEC project consortium have expertise not just in computer science. Learn more about each partner and their contributions to CEEC. Then meet the individuals by reading our #PeopleOfCEEC series.

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