Just before the holidays on December 16th, CEEC and our own Rosa Badia presented our latest webinar on Programming complex workflows with PyCOMPSs. Over 20 HPC users registered from across European research and industry , both within and without the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking ecosystem. During the one-hour webinar, attendees learned about the history, goals, and capabilities of PyCOMPSs in the context of increasingly diverse and heterogenous HPC systems across Europe. Then, Rosa presented example workflows both related to CEEC and from outside the project including links to git repositories and related publications, where available. In closing, all attendees had the opportunity to ask questions.
If you weren’t able to attend, we’re delighted to share the video of the webinar (not including questions and answers) as well as the presentation slides below. Check them out and let us know your thoughts on our social media or through our contact form.
For more about PyCOMPSs, check out and register for the upcoming two-day tutorial at Barcelona Supercomputing Center on Febraury 4th and 5th. Full details are available on the event website BSC Training Course: Programming Distributed Computing Platforms with COMPSs.
Lastly, make sure to check out and register for our next CEEC webinar Vistle Part I: An Introduction to Immersive Visualizations of Large-Scale Scientific Data on January 29th!