Knowledge Shared is Knowledge Gained: The 1st CEEC Community Workshop
Knowledge Shared is Knowledge Gained: the 1st CEEC Community Workshop This past December 13th, CEEC held its first annual community workshop at our consortium partner Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Erlangen, Germany and […]
Code of the Month vol.6 “Neko by CEEC” — PUBLIC event
Recent trends and advancements including more diverse and heterogeneous hardware in High-Performance Computing are challenging scientific software developers in their pursuit of good performance and efficient numerical methods. As a result, the well-known maxim “software outlives hardware” may no longer necessarily hold true, and researchers are today forced to re-factor their codes to leverage these…
Introducing Tim Felle Olsen
My name is Tim Felle Olsen, and I recently joined the CEEC project as a Post.Doc. researcher at the Technical University of Denmark. I have a background in computational mathematics […]
Exploring the Ultimate Regime of Turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard Convection through Unprecedented Spectral-Element Simulations
Don’t miss the official presentation of the work on NEKO that is nominated for the Gordon Bell Prize!
Neko – a European code development effort shortlisted for the 2023 ACM Gordon Bell Prize
Come listen to our own Niclas Jansson talk about his work on NEKO, which has been shortlisted for the 2023 ACM Gordon Bell Prize. We have the great fortune of being able to build on this work during the cEEC project. Learn more in his interview at the LUMI stand (booth 206)!
Sustainable and Reliable Computing with Tools: Analyzing Precision Appetites of CFD Applications with VerifiCarlo
Energy consumption constraints for large-scale computing encourage scientists to revise the architecture design of hardware but also applications, algorithms, as well as the underlying working/ storage precision. I will introduce an approach to address the issue of sustainable, but still reliable, computations from the perspective of computer arithmetic tools. We employ VerifiCarlo and its variable…
Neko: A Modern, Portable, and Scalable Framework for High-Fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics
Recent trends and advancements including more diverse and heterogeneous hardware in High-Performance Computing are challenging scientific software developers in their pursuit of good performance and efficient numerical methods. As a result, the well-known maxim “software outlives hardware” may no longer necessarily hold true, and researchers are today forced to re-factor their codes to leverage these…
“Scalable High-Fidelity Simulation of Turbulence With Neko Using Accelerators” CUG 2023 “Sustainable Exascale”
It’s time again for the annual Cray User Group (CUG) conference: this time in Finland! We’ll be contributing to the discussions on how to best use Cray and HPE supercomputers with a paper titled, “Scalable High-Fidelity Simulation of Turbulence With Neko Using Accelerators”. You will also be able to read the paper on our publication…