Tag: Alya
The 12 Days of CEEC-ness
If you’ve been following our social media over the last couple of weeks, you’re familiar with our 12 Days of CEEC-ness twist on the 12 Days of Christmas song. Below are the complete lyrics for your enjoyment!
Diving into MareNostrum 5: CEEC at MNHACK24
This fall, a group of researchers from across Europe gathered at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) for MNHACK , the sixth hackathon centered on the MareNostrum systems, this time MareNostrum 5. Among them were many CEEC-ers there to prepare our codes for optimal performance on this young machine while exploring its scalability and energy consumption.
Just Published: CEEC Energy to solution Best Practice Guide!
Measuring energy to solution isn’t just more complicated than measuring time to solution, it’s also less familiar and less top of mind for most users. Hence, CEEC has published our experience and some best practices to help the EuropeanHPC community learn more about measuring energy to solution across systems and applications.
Mini-Symposium 4: Modernizing CFD: Exploring CI/CD for Improved Software Development Life Cycle
Join CEEC at the 35th Parallel CFD International Conference 2024 this fall in Bonn, Germany. In the Mini-Symposium 4: Modernizing CFD: Exploring CI/CD for Improved Software Development Life Cycle, CEEC will be joined by sister European Centers of Excellence EXCELLERAT P2, EOCOE3, and HIDALGO 2 supported by the coordination activity CASTIEL 2. This symposium will…