The Codes and Frameworks Used in CEEC
Interested in learning more about the codes and frameworks we’re working with to run our lighthouse cases?
Click on each code below for a technical description, important links, and answers to common questions about the codes and our work with them.

Alya and SOD2D are an HPC simulation framework designed for multiphysics problems. They explicitly address structural mechanics and compressible fluid flows, with a special focus on fluid-structure interaction (FSI). The framework integrates two finite element codes which are optimized to harness the capabilities of modern HPC infrastructures, supporting both CPU-only and GPU-accelerated computing nodes. Alya has shown an excellent speed-up on MareNostrum5-GPP, and SOD2D demonstrates outstanding performance on various GPU-accelerated EuroHPC machines, including MareNostrum5-ACC (H100), Leonardo Booster (A100), and Karolina (A100) using CUDA-aware MPI and OpenACC.

FLEXI/GALÆXI is a high-order accurate HPC framework based on the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spectral element method for hyperbolic-parabolic conservation laws with special focus on compressible flows (at higher Mack numbers). FLEXI has demonstrated excellent scaling on up to five hundred thousand CPUs, and GALÆXI scales well up to thousands of GPUs utilizing MPI-aware CUDA and HIP. The strong scaling results presented here were conducted on various EuroHPC machines, including LUMI-C (AMD EPYC 7763), MareNostrum5 GPP (Intel Sapphire Rapids 8480+), JEDI (GH200), Leonardo Booster (A100), as well as HAWK (AMD EPYC 7742) and Juwels Booster (A100).

Neko is a portable framework for high-order spectral element based simulations, focusing on the incompressible regime. The framework adopts an object-oriented approach, allowing for multi-tier abstractions of the solver stack and facilitating various hardware backends, ranging from general-purpose processors, accelerators, and vector processors, to limited support of FPGA. Neko demonstrates excellent scaling on the EuroHPC machines LUMI-G (AMD MI250X) and Leonardo Booster (A100).

Nek5000/NekRS is a high-order spectral element framework for thermal-fluids simulations, solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes and thermal transport equations. The GPU-accelerated version NekRS is designed for high-performance on exascale platforms, leveraging performance-portable frameworks like OCCA and optimized kernels from libParanumal. NekRS demonstrates efficient scaling on Summit (V100) and JUWELS Booster (A100) up to thousands of GPUs.

waLBerla is a modern highly scalable open source multi-physics simulation software framework with a focus on CFD applications such as three-dimensional fully-resolved coupled fluid-particle simulations. The framework employs the lattice Boltzmann method for the fluid phase, and the discrete element method for the granular soil. waLBerla has shown perfect scalability on conventional CPU architectures, and on up to thousands of GPUs utilizing MPI-aware CUDA and HIP. The strong scaling results presented below were obtained on a variety of EuroHPC machines, including LUMI-C (AMD EPYC 7763), LUMI-G (AMD MI250X), MareNostrum5-GPP (Intel Sapphire Rapids 8480+), and MareNostrum5-ACC (H100).