Latest News from CEEC
Interested in what we’ve been up to lately? Find an exhaustive list of our news posts below!
Have fun reading and let us know what you think through our contact form or on social media.
Knowledge Shared is Knowledge Gained: The 1st CEEC Community Workshop
Knowledge Shared is Knowledge Gained: the 1st CEEC Community Workshop This past December 13th, CEEC held its first annual community workshop at our consortium partner Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Erlangen, Germany and […]
Introducing Anna Schwarz
I’m Anna Schwarz, a PhD student in the Numerics Research Group at the Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics (IAG) of the University of Stuttgart (USTUTT-IAG). I studied Aerospace Engineering […]
Introducing Tim Felle Olsen
My name is Tim Felle Olsen, and I recently joined the CEEC project as a Post.Doc. researcher at the Technical University of Denmark. I have a background in computational mathematics […]
CEEC at the Ferienakademie
Earlier this fall, Samuel Kemmler, a member of CEEC first through the partner FAU and now BAM, worked alongside other scientists in his field to organize a course of the […]
Summer Round-Up
It’s been a while since our last update, and we’re still in the early days of our work. That said, we’ve been travelling to introduce ourselves and present some of the work we’ll be building on during our 4 project years. Maybe you’ve seen us? This summer we had various presentations both at ISC High-Performance…
What is Mixed Precision?
What is Mixed Precision? Computers have been getting faster for as long as they’ve existed. However, not every computer part has been speeding up at the same rate. For example, […]
Hello World! Are you going to EHPCSW?
Welcome to the Center of Excellence for Exascale CFD (CEEC) website! We’re still in the construction process so you can look forward to new content appearing over the next couple […]