Merchant Ship Hull
Description of the Problem
In contrast to aerospace, the marine industry lags behind in using high-fidelity simulations for design. Moreover, large vessels are a particularly challenging computational problem because they involve two-phase flow (air and water), extremely high Reynolds numbers (due to high turbulance), and dynamically changing geometry at free surfaces. In fact, we still lack the necessary hardware resources and methodological maturity of computational methods. This Lighthouse Case will capitalize on increasing computational resource availability and push the boundaries to perform high-fidelity simulations at least in model scale. For this, we will use an established test case that is widely employed in both computational simulations and water-channel tests.
Scientific Relevance and Impact
Our Lighthouse Case simulations will provide unprecedented accuracy for data describing the flow around the merchant ship hull, making it possible to examine the flow structures in detail. They will also provide valuable reference data for developing lower-fidelity (lower accuracy) models, which will remain the workhorse of industrial simulations in the near term. Moreover, our work will provide an excellent testing ground for the methodological developments of wall modeling, immersed boundary techniques, adaptive mesh refinement, and uncertainty quantification, which will inform improvements to all forms of computational fluid dynamics simulation.