a promotional graphic for the "Centre of Excellence in Exascale CFD" (CEEC). It features the text "#PeopleOfCEEC Series 1" prominently in white, bold letters on a blue gradient background. On the left side, there is an illustration of a diverse group of animated people, appearing cheerful and celebrating. On the right side, there is a photo of a man named Tim Felle Olsen, who is wearing a cap and a dark shirt, with a slight smile. His name is displayed in white text on a black rectangle at the bottom of his photo.

Introducing Tim Felle Olsen

My name is Tim Felle Olsen, and I recently joined the CEEC project as a Post.Doc. researcher at the Technical University of Denmark. I have a background in computational mathematics with a B.Sc. Eng. and M.Sc. Eng. in mathematical modelling and computing. I completed my Ph.D. project on the interplay between computational geometry and the synthesis of 3D models from microstructure representations. These microstructures arose from a homogenization-based topology optimization and are used as a very compact way of representing structures. This compactness allows very large-scale problems to be solved with modest computational resources without loss of fidelity.

Headshot of Tim Felle Olson. A thin clean-shaven white man wearing a black polo shirt and a flat-brimmed mid-grey baseball cap. He is standing in fromt of a pedestrian bridge, with a glass building far in the background. Both the building and the bridge are out of focus.
Tim Felle Olsen

In this project, I will be working under the supervision of Niels Aage and Casper S. Andreasen on computational design of static mixers utilizing topology optimization and Neko [https://neko.cfd/]. I’ll be working with the spectral element part of the NEKO framework of software and libraries. Spectral elements are the core mathematical concepts used to model complex systems like fluid flows.

To create computer-generated designs of static mixers, one must run full fluid simulations every time the topology changes to determine if it improves fluid mixture. This feedback between fluid simulation and updating the design requires highly specialized software. Given that Neko has proven to be incredibly effective at simulating fluid flows, I will be developing extensions to the software that enables it to utilize topology optimization while efficiently using the computational resources of an exascale system.